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A projektet az Európai Bizottság támogatta. A cikkben megjelentek nem szükségszerűen tükrözik az Európai Bizottság nézeteit.


Budapest, January 8-13, 2015

List of participants from each partner:Sparks logo

Babyfit, Slovakia: AnkaSedlackova, Angelika Kovacova (Coordinator), Saska Streitova, and Marta Olle, Iveta Prielozna; Leben Nuova, Italy: Gloria Desideri (Coordinator), Laura Banfi (staff), Roberta Bassani, Paola Campagna, Katia Pantalla, Alessandra Tiné; SOMA, France: Thomas Greil (Coordinator), Emeline Seyer, Claire Doyon, Nathalie Bailleau, Thierry Vandersluys, Catherine Pirat; Embody Move – Touch Dance, UK: Katy Dymoke, Lisa Dowler, Paula Hampson, Stephanie Marilyne Bairet, Georgian Aasgard, George Adams, Robert Anderson, Bernadette Buckle, Toni Charlesworth, Rod Leung, Mary Prestige, Angela Simpson, Holly Thomas; Art Man, Hungary: Ferenç Kálmán (Coordinator), Bernadett Jobbágy, Ildikó Bóta, Sándor Szűcs, Dorka Farkas, Eszter Gál, Ágnes Gyulavári, Andrea Mészöly,

The transnational meeting in Budapest has been organized around the two objectives:

  • providing new input and possible material for further processing in transnational project: 1. Offering a review of the scene of care in Budapest, professional environment of ArtMan; 2. Presenting approach to working with different disabilities developed by ArtMan members. 3. Inviting transnational participants to dance together and get direct experience in working with adults.
  • Taking the event of transnational meeting and presence of international teachers and learners to pulling more local interest towards BMC® approach and SPARKS Project by 1. Strengthening professional network based on previous personal relationship; 2. finding partners to cooperate; 3. inviting local professionals to work together with SPARKS guests in an open workshop presenting BMC approach to somatic work and its adaptation to working with adults.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Visiting partner institutions in groups

Members of international teams have signed up – upon their personal interest – in separate groups to visit different partner institutions. Partner institutions were chosen by ArtMan team members, by the vision of future networking. Connections to institutions were established through former personal relationship with staff members or founders of these institutions. The aim was to raise interest in these institutions and their professional staff towards SPARKS Project and future collaboration with ArtMan. By this program we also wanted to offer informational input to international team by offering a panorama of professional forms of care in Budapest. Objectives for visit:

  • To introduce diverse actors in the field of care in Hungary with different structures, background and area of focus: family, infants & babies with difficulties, children in autistic spectrum & learning disabilities, individual and social care (kindergarten, school) state and private initiations.
  • To observe the way of functioning in terms of assesment, protocall, team work and therputic approaches in these institutions and learn from succesful models.
  • To create an interest on the side of the hosting institutions and professionals towards the field of somatic movement practices which developed many valuable tools, views and approaches to support care of special needs not yet recognised wildely in the theraputic profession.
  • Through further processing to help articulating highly benifitial points what somatic approach can offer.
  • Through later processing to find meeting points and possibility of further cooperation between actors of care and somatic practitioners.

Visitors were hosted by the following partners:

BUBORÉK (BUBBLE ) Play and Development House (Budapest, Bölcső u. 6.)

GROUP 1 : Claire, Nathalie, Sasa, Tonie, Angela, Bernie and Dorka

This is a small private initiative established and run by Adrienn Bacskai special pedagogue and developmental movement therapist since 2009. BUBBLE offers quite a variety of developmental programs, however located in two small appartments in a blockhouse. These programs include fine and gross motor movement therapy, logopedic and grafomotoric development, consulting in psychological issues, DSGM (deep connective tissue massage for babies) and others. BUBBLE operates a popular blog and active in running summer camps for children with different developmental focuses.

  • SPARKS were invited to visit an individual complex therapy session and two Sensory Integration (Ayres) session in one of the appartments and two sensomotor group sessions named Structured Sensomotor Therapy developed by a Hungarian specialist Katalin Lakatos who also adapted exercises to do in water.


GROUP 2 : Anka, Alessandra, Gloria,Lisa, Robert and Ferenc

  • BEIC a pioneer in Hungary in the field of early intervention has been established and directed by special pedagogue Barbara Czeizel in 1992. It provides services for children aged 0-6 with delayed or impared development as well as children of risk and their families: complex diagnostic assessment, individual and group therapy programs, and other social help and counseling for families. It is still one of the leading institutions in the field providing training programs for specialists, as well as for kindergarten teachers and parents. Read more in English version also:
  • SPARKS guests were invited to visit the kindergarten department for children with severe multiple disabilities, two baby-parent gymnastic session with developmental focus and two individual pedagogic and logopedic sessions. Kindergarten group for children in autistic spectrum ccould be observed from outside the space through mirror window originaly created for parents to witness their children once a month, in the regular time of consulting. Two couple sessions were also open to witness with kids of this department with the focus of communication and cooperation.

CSILLAGHÁZ STARHOUSE Elementary School (1038 Budapest, Ráby M. u. 16.)

GROUP 3 : Paula, Mary, Georgina, George, Rod and his baby, Thierry and Bernadett

  • Csillagház Elementary School is a city owned public school for children with severe and multiple disabilities. It is located in a garden city area and operated as a model for schools for disabled children since 2000, however the program is based on a long time research originates back to 1973, when the first experimental program for children not considered as „able to be educated” started here. Besides general studies it provides special programs such as complex art program, program with animal assistance, hydrotherapy and gardening. See nice pictures on a Hungarian webside:

FEJLESZTŐHÁZ HOUSE for DEVELOPMENT (1119 Budapest, Andor u. 56.)

GROUP 4 : Iveta, Laura, Marta, Roberta and Eszter

  • FEJLESZTŐHÁZ is a fairly new network of centers operated in four locations of the city already. It has been established by Tímea Bősenbacher who worldwide had practiced as a Pető-conductor (educative method for disabled developed by András Pető) before. She brought many different specialists of different approaches together to provide a complex program for children from premature to age 12. These include Conductive pedagogy, Sensory Integration, combined with ORTT facial massage, Pfaffenrot and other manual therapies, Hallwick hydrotherapy, taping, Systematic Sensomotorial Therapy, and other locally developed developmental movement therapy programs. Find many good pictures on their Hungarian webside:, under Képgaléria in the menu line!
  • During the morning SPARKS guests could visit baby-parent groups of 3-6 month and 7-10 month of age, and a child getting a Pfaffenrot connective tissue session immediately followed by a complex therapy program.

PIKLER INSTITUTE (1022 Budapest, Lóczy Lajos u. 3.)

GROUP 5 : Angelika, Catherine, Emeline, Paola and Thomas

  • Emmi Pikler (1902-1984) pediatrician, has developed her revolutionary approach to child care in the ’30-s after recognising that a good condition for babies to develop their inherent potential is if they can freely move, practice and play by their own timing without any intervention of an adult. On the other hand a way of care if it’s rich in interaction and supports the child’s own initiations may lead to intimate relationship with parents. She successfuly adapted her ideas in directing an orfenage and so prevented these children from hospitalization and later integration problems in society. Read more:
  • SPARKS group visited the orfenage Emmi Pikler established in 1946 still operating and also surving as a center for education of the internationaly recognised Pikler method. The visit includeed living spaces of children out of use due to minimalise disturbing. They could see and buy DVDs on child development and got guidence in French by Eszter Mózes educational director of the Institute. A good discussion have developed between her and SPARKS visitors on ideas and practices have been presented.

Meeting at Early Intervention Center

All groups have gathered at Early Intervention Center after Lunch for a brief review of the morning experience and meeting the director of the Center. After looking at a short DVD about the history of Budapest Early Intervention Center a hot discussion developed about early intervention in Europe, the situation of BMC and relation to mainstream medical care in each of the countries.


Optional program: Visiting HÓPÁRDUC (Snow Panther) Foundation

GROUP 6. Gloria, Laura, Roberta, Alessandra, Paola, Katia, Claire, Catherine, Thomas and Ferenc

The group visited the small gymnasium of the foundation where they offer group and individual sessions to children with or without learning or moving disabilities. They can be reached by parents privately but also offer programs for schools in movement games and their special program: movement play sessions on climbing wall. After a lovely demonstration of their work with a child group specially organized for us, we visitors were also invited to join and play similar games we saw.

Saturday, January 10

Tissue of Connection – an open workshop at GRABO 200 Studio (Jurányi u. 1-3)

  • The workshop was organized to give an open form for sharing information with local professional public about SPARKS project.
  • To show value of somatic experience and practice in care of infants and adults with special needs.
  • To give an introduction of somatic approach developed in The School for Body-Mind Centering®
  • To create a safety environment where participants may bring their focus on themselfes, their body and own sensations

Local participants (30 people) came from various institutions working in the field of care, including partners in the Project: Pedagogical Service of Budapest City, Miskolc city, Family Support Service of Budapest XII district, Intervention Center for Down Syndrom Foundation, Budapest Early Intervention Center, The Starhouse School, House for Development, Snow Panther Foundation, Perinatus Foundation for Perinatal Aid. Other half of participants consisted of international team members of the of transnational SPARKS meeting (30 people) including some learners from UK for whom it was their initial meeting with BMC®, the hosting team (6 people) and some individuals interested in the subject.


The program started with a short introduction on the SPARKS project by the ArtMan team. The morning program was led by Ferenc Kálmán from ArtMan, an experiential movement and embodiment process under the title ‘Tissue of Connection”. The content covered developmental processes from early embryological period of life. Afternoon workshop was directed by Thomas Greil from SOMA team, under the title “Relating to Self, Gravity and Space”, around more practical application of somatic experience. The class started with verbal exchange and processing of morning class and also included verbal feedback at the end. Material focused on sensing our own tone, balance, and our own patterns of responding to changing forces and encounter with environment.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Dancing with Disabled – workshop led by ArtMan artists with participation of transnational SPARKS meeting and members of ArtMan mixed ability groups.

This event is a forum to share the working model developed by ArtMan members in the last 15 years on base of different somatic approaches such as contact improvisation, BMC®, Skinner releasing, contemporary theater and movement dance therapy as well as BMC®. It was also good way to shift from thinking about working with disabled adults to a direct experiential level.

By feedback of SPARKS team members this event also served to deepen relationship between project partners.

Participants could join one of the following working groups:

1. Tánceánia mixed ability dance group (group with severe phisical disabilities and communication difficulties) – Leading: Eszter Gál and Dorka Farkas

2. Group of young adults with autistic spectrum – Leading: Ágnes Gyulavári

3. Group of adults with different mental challenges – Leading: Ferenc Kálmán and Bernadett Jobbágy

4. Group process led severly disabled member of Tánceánia living with severe communication difficulties – Leading: Csaba Bruckner and Ildikó Bóta

The program started with a creative process from 10.00-12.00 followed by a sharing performance event between 12.00-13.00. After a common lunch served at the place the day ended with discussion and processing time from 14.00-16.00.


Monday and Tuesday, January 12-13, 2015

Partner meeting

This SPARKS Project meeting we reflected the experiences of the previous days events, gave feedback to each other on the topics which were brought up during the weekend.

Anka: “this project is like maybe what you’ve show, like kind of mapping the ground or the territory… not really building the house or something, but more like exploring where to build the house. You know, like what ‘is’ the territory. “

We discussed topics as:

  • The place of somatics in art and creativity?
  • Process-based dance (in UK)
  • Cultural differences, which was very mush in the touch – here touch is a big issue
  • What will be with the special need children, when they’re grown up? …. Parents’ association…
  • Therapy, method or approach? (A technique makes a safe distance: you do it, and you’re not in it…)
  • One direction (») or two directions (« »)?
  • Time, action – listening;
  • How to be in a relationship?

As management issues, we focused on:

  • the upcoming meeting (UK)
  • final Questionnaire and survey of the whole project
  • final documentation – brochure, DVD, website

In the lunch break we visited the dance rehearsal of Ágnes Gyulavári (president of ArtMan) and Karcsi Tóth (member of ArtMan and Tánceánia Mixed Ability Company), for their new piece: Duality.


[photo of the piece: György Jókuti]

This project has been founded with support from the European Commission.

This video reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission
cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the
information contained therein.
